Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 9
1975-12-15 発行

木質材料の改良に関する研究(第15報) : 光重合法による木粉-プラスチック複合体の成型とその性質

Studies on the Improvement of Wooden Materials(XV) : Molding of Photopolymerized Wood Flour-Plastic Combination and It's Properties
Onishi, Hirotsugu
Jodai, Susumu
Goto, Teruo
The molding of the wood flour-plastic combination which was produced by means of photopolymerization and the properties of molded boards were inestigated.
The results obtained are as follows :
1) It was possible to produce the molded board under these optimum conditions of molding time : 30 min, molding pressure : 100kg/<cm>^2 and molding temperature : 180℃.
2) The modulus of rupture ande elasticity in bending of molded board increased along with increasing of molding temperature and specific gravity of molded board.
The bending properties of molded board contained the filler of polypropylene calcium carbonate, glass fiber or saw-dust polymer decreased in comparison with those of the control board.
3) The Brinell hardness of molded board increased along with increasing of molding temperature and the specific gravity of molded board. It was observed that the Brinell hardness of molded board was higher than that of radial section on wood and lower than that of cross section.
4) The moisture uptake and the swelling of thickness of molded board were remarkably decreased in comparison with those of wood.
5) The softeinng temperature of molded board surface was almost the range of 120 to 130℃, but on the molded board contained polypropylene or saw-dust polymer as filler, the softening temperature reached above 170℃.