Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 24
1990-12-21 発行

雌雄成虫越冬性コハナバチの一新種,ハルノツヤコハナバチLasioglossum(Lasioglossum) primaverasp. nov.(膜翅目,コハナバチ科)

Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) primavera Sp. Nov., a Japanese Halictine Bee Which Overwinters in Both Female and Male Adults
Sakagami, Shoichi F.
Maeta, Yasuo
Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) primavera sp. nov. is similar to L. (L.) pallenes BRULLE in S. W. Palaearctics and L. (L.) proximatum SMITH in Japan, but distinguished by smooth or weakly sculptured mesosomal dorsum and metasomal terga, and in male by gonostylus fused with gonocoxite and devoid of the ventral retrose lobe. This is the first record from E. Palaearctics of the halictine bees of which male adults survive to the next spring.
Except for some limited cases, in most halictine bees males which emerged in the autumn die before the winter, leaving females which survive to the next spring. We describe below Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) primavera sp. nov. as the first record of male-overwintering halictines from the eastern Palaearctics.