Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 24
1990-12-21 発行


Effect of corona discharge treatment on hemicellulose prepared from kuromatsu
Uehara, Tohru
Tanikawa, Mitsuru
Jodai, Susumu
Sakata, Isao
Crude xylan and manann Prepared from kuromatu(Pinus thunbergii PEAL) were corona-treated by a conventional covered roll corona treater (34kV_<p-p>, 30kHz).
The production of aldehyde groups was confirmed by the mfrared spectrum (890cm^<-1>) and the quantitative analysis of reducing sugars. The chain scission and the crosslinking in the corona-treated hemicellulose were found by the viscometry. These results were the same as in the hydroxyethylcellulose and the cellulose studied preyiously.
The production of oligosaccharide from the treated xylan was found by the thin layer chromatography.