Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 2
1968-12-15 発行

水稲の乾物生産に及ぼす土壌温度の影響(第3報) : 分けつ期以後の乾物生産の特性について

Studies on the Effects of Soil Temperature upon the Dry Matter Production in Rice Plant(III) : Aspects of Dry Matter Production after the Tillering Stage
Imaki, Tadashi
This experiment was carried out to investigate the relation between the soil temperature (33℃ and 23℃) and dry matter production in rice plant (c. v. Norin 29) after the tillering stage (from the panicle initiation stage to maturity).
Higher soil temperature (33℃) made the leaf area per plant larger, and the photosynthenic ability of the flag leaf higher, by the ear emergence. After the ear emergence, higher soil temperature made them smaller and lower.