Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 2
1968-12-15 発行


Thermal Stresses in Steel-lined Concrete Hollow Cylinders
Shirataki, Yamaji
This paper deals with the problem of thermal stresses in steel-lined concrete hollow cylinders used for barrels of inverted siphons.
Itis assumed that the temperature of steel liner changes suddenly with flowing water. Then, heat flux takes place from the liner to the outside concrete cylinder and temperature gradient through the cylinder wall is established. In this case, the liner is prevented from free expanding by the outside concrete layer and stresses are set up at the boundary. The boundary stresses may be determined on condition that the displacement must be continuous on the junction surface. If such stresses at the boundary are obtained, the thermal stresses in each parts of the cylinder are determined by considering both effects of the temperature gradient and the boundary stresses.
Practical procedures of computing the thermal stresses in steel-lined concrete cylinders are described in this paper. The resuits of some computations are showed for the case where the temperature change occurs only in the steel liner and does not reach the concrete layer. Furthermore, in order to illustrate the stress changes with time, an example of non-steady state is given assuming the temperature of inner aurface of the cylinder to be constant.