Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 1
1967-12 発行


Fine Structure of Nodule Cell of Vicia faba L.
Nozu, Mikio
Ultra-thin sections of root nodule on Vicia faba L. infected with Rhizobium leguminosarum were investigated by electron microscope. Central tissues of nodules were fixed in 1% OsO_4-veronal acetate solution(PH 7.4) and embedded with Epon 812. As the central vacuole developes, in the plant cell, the cytoplasm areas were pushed towad the periphery of plant cell. Bacterium in cytoplasm area have the bacterial cell membrane, the bacterial cell wall and the enclosing membrane. Many branched bacteria were found. Electron density of bacterial cytoplasm were higher than plant cell cytoplasm. Amylopl asts and mitochondria infected cells are confined in the cell wall regions.