島根大学文理学部紀要. 理学科編

島根大学文理学部紀要. 理学科編
.7 巻
On Regular Extensions of a Semigroup which is a Semilattice of Completely Simple Semigroups
山田 深雪
PP. 1 - 17
Some Remarks on Regular Extensions of Cliffordian Semigroups
今岡 輝男 岡本 信之 山田 深雪 三輪 拓夫
PP. 19 - 28
On some Quasigroups of Algebraic Models of Symmetric Spaces(II)
吉川 通彦
PP. 29 - 35
On the Quotient Topological Ordered Spaces
PP. 37 - 42
On G-Vector Bundles and Invariant Vector Fields
松永 弘道
PP. 43 - 55
A Note on G-Vector Bundles
松永 弘道
PP. 57 - 58
On Fully-Completeness in Topological Vector Spaces
城市 篤夫
PP. 59 - 64
On a Linear Extrapolation Problem of Some Homogeneous Random Fields
麻生 泰弘
PP. 65 - 70
Preparation of Synthetic Zeolites containing Some Transition Element
樋野 良治 土岐 堅次
PP. 71 - 72
Mossbauer Study of the Complex Compounds of Tin(II) Halides
三島 滿雄 井戸垣 正俊 禰宜田 久男
PP. 73 - 77
Mossbauer Effect of ^<119>Sn in Complexes of Tin(IV) Chloride and Dialkyltin Dichlorides with Some Nitrogen Donors
三島 滿雄 中村 誠 - 伊沢 正郎 井戸垣 正俊
PP. 79 - 84
On Minerals Associated with Ultrabasic Rocks, Found in the Vicinity of Commom Boundaries of Shimane, Tottori, Okayama, and Hiroshima Prefectures(X) : Oxidized reddish orthohexagonal chlorite from the Wakamatsu mine, Tottori Prefecture
北原 順一
PP. 85 - 93
Electron Microscopy of the Geologic Materials(Part 1) : The surface textures of quarz sand grains
大久保 雅弘 物種 成晴
PP. 95 - 100
Middle and Late Quaternary Floras in San'in District
大西 郁夫
PP. 101 - 115
On the Thrusts in the Quaternary Diatomite Formations
山内 靖喜 杉浦 明永
PP. 117 - 130