島根大学文理学部紀要. 理学科編

島根大学文理学部紀要. 理学科編
.9 巻
Normal Systems in an Orthogroup
山田 深雪
PP. 1 - 6
On Some Quasigroups of Algebraic Models of Symmetric Spaces(III)
吉川 通彦
PP. 7 - 12
Holomorphic θ-Line Bundles over a Compact Riemann Surface of Genus(3)
松永 弘道
PP. 13 - 18
Balanced Sets in Countably A-Ultrabarrelled Spaces
城市 篤夫
PP. 19 - 27
A Theorem to Construct 3-Way BIB Designs
木下 道夫
PP. 29 - 31
Derivation of the Magnetic Susceptibilities of the Free Electrons by the Linear Response Theory
竹原 敏夫
PP. 33 - 38
Theory of Spatially Random Heisenberg Ferromagnet : Simplified Formulation
梅谷 郁充 岡本 寿夫
PP. 39 - 45
Electron Energy Determination in Low Energy Van de Graaff Accelerator Beams
岡 真弘 (旧名:正巳) Crisman E.E. Loferski J.J.
PP. 47 - 79
On the Attenuate of Cavity Resonator in the Microwave Region
森 弘
PP. 51 - 62
Synthesis and Physico-Chemical Property of Zeolite X Containing Fe(III)
樋野 良治 土岐 堅次
PP. 63 - 70
Chemical Behaviors of Silica, Alumina and Sodium Oxide in Zeolite X Crystallization
樋野 良治 土岐 堅次
PP. 71 - 78
Electron Microscopic Observations in the Hatching Gland Cells of the Salamander,Hynobius naevius(SCHLEGEL)
松野 あきら 大氏 正己
PP. 79 - 87
The Circus Movement of a Sand-beach Iospod,Tylos granulatus MIERS
伊賀 哲郎 喜多村 滋
PP. 89 - 101
The Effects of Lauric Acid on the Growth of Some Species of Fungi
西上 一義
PP. 103 - 109
Natural environments of Mt. Sambe(VI) : Vegitation in the north slant of Mt. Osambe
[スギ]村 喜則
PP. 111 - 120
A List of Marine Algae Collected in the Vicinity of Oki Marine Biological Station, Shimane University
梶村 光男
PP. 121 - 131
Electron Microscopy of the Geologic Materials(Part 2) The shell structure of "Propeamusssium"
大久保 雅弘 井上 貴央
PP. 133 - 141
On the nodules in the Miocene Sediments near Kamaura, Shimane Peninsula
山内 靖喜
PP. 143 - 151
The Basalt and its Inclusions at Kawashimo, Northeast of Masuda City, Shimane Prefecture
飯泉 滋 小林 英夫 渡辺 勝美
PP. 153 - 160