麻生 泰弘
島根大学文理学部紀要. 理学科編
.2 巻
PP. 1 - 13
PP. 14 - 21
Studies on the Blackish Substances found in Eutrema Wasabi afflicted with Black Leg Disease(III) : On the Enzyme Activities of Phoma Wasabiae
曾我 治
PP. 22 - 31
On Minerals Associated with Ultrabasic Rocks, Found in the Vicinity of Commom Boundaries of Shimane, Tottori, Okayama, and Hiroshima Prefectures(V) : Chrysotile and Associated Chlorite from the Wakamatsu Mine, Tottori Prefecture
北原 順一
PP. 32 - 41
PP. 42 - 62
The Action of Potassium Ions on the Xanthophores of the Teleost, Oryzias latipes
伊賀 哲郎
PP. 67 - 75
On Ecology of Caulerpa scalpelliformis var. denticulata in the Oki Islands
梶村 光男
PP. 81 - 98