島根大学文理学部紀要. 理学科編

島根大学文理学部紀要. 理学科編
.1 巻
Some Distribution-free Multiple Comparison Procedures
田村 亮二
PP. 1 - 7
Commutative Ideal Extensions of Null Semigroups
山田 深雪
PP. 8 - 22
Magnetic Properties of Doubly Antiferromagnetic Arrangements
竹原 敏夫
PP. 23 - 29 図2枚
Studies on the Blackish Substances found in Eutrema Wasabi afflicted with Black Leg Disease(II) : Isolation of the Metabolic Products from the Culture of Phoma Wasabiae
曾我 治
PP. 30 - 33 図2枚,表1枚
On Minerals Associated with Ultrabasic Rocks, Found in the Vicinity of Commom Boundaries of Shimane, Tottori, Okayama, and Hiroshima Prefectures(IV)
北原 順一
PP. 34 - 44 図5枚,表4枚
Effects of higher temperature on the coloration in flowers of tulip(Tulipa gesneriana)
樋浦 巌
PP. 45 - 51 図1枚,表2枚
Action of Tyramine and Its Derivatives on the Melanophores in a Teleost, Oryzias latipes
伊賀 哲郎
PP. 52 - 61 図8枚,表5枚
Action of Beta-phenylethylamine on the Melanophores in a Teleost, Oryzias latipes
伊賀 哲郎
PP. 63 - 67 図3枚
Physiological Studies on Dimorphism of Mucor rouxianus II. Fat Metabolism of Mucor rouxianus
西上 一義
PP. 68 - 75 図2枚,表4枚