島根大学文理学部紀要. 理学科編

島根大学文理学部紀要. 理学科編
.5 巻
On Locally Reductive Spaces and Tangent Algebras
吉川 通彦
PP. 1 - 13
On the Equivalences of the Axiomatic Systems of the Harmonic Spaces
榧野 尚
PP. 14 - 17
Archeomagnetic Study of Kilns in San-in and Kyushu, Japan
浅海 英三 時枝 克安 岸 武保
PP. 18 - 22
Paleomagnetism of Some Paleogene Granite(I)
伊藤 晴明 時枝 克安
PP. 23 - 28
Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Minority Carrier Lifetime in p-Type Germanium
伊藤 一義 岡 真弘 (旧名:正巳) 斉藤 晴男
PP. 29 - 39
Studies on the Accumulation of Cs-137 and Sr-90 in the Surface Water of Western Japan Sea, and on the those Contents in the Fishes, See-weeds, Vegetables and Soils at the Suburbs of Matsue City
山本 作次郎 伊藤 一義
PP. 40 - 82
A Note on the Specific Refractive Index Increments for Poly (2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine) Solutions
坂本 範行 坂田 修 土岐 堅次
PP. 83 - 90
Natural environments of Mt. Sambe(III) : Vegetation in the Muronouchi crater(2)
西上 一義 丸山 巌
PP. 91 - 115
A Bull Frog Lacking in the Left Eye
伊賀 哲郎 大氏 正己 本田 和子
PP. 116 - 122
On Minerals Associated with Ultrabasic Rocks, Found in the Vicinity of Commom Boundaries of Shimane, Tottori, Okayama, and Hiroshima Prefectures(VIII) : Ca-montmorillonite from the Hirose Mine, Tottori Prefecture
北原 順一
PP. 123 - 130
Geology of the Environs of Matsue City : The Study of the Izumo Group in Shimane Prefecture(Part 1)
宮嶋 聖隆 永島 晴夫 大西 郁夫
PP. 131 - 138