
アクセス数 : 1265
ダウンロード数 : 101
島根大学総合理工学部紀要. シリーズA Volume 37
published_at 2003-12-15


Program Structure and Traceability Analysis
Itou Takako
Kadota Yotaro
c0040037l009.pdf ( 573 KB )
It is important to grasp program design method characteristics such as similarity and dissmilarity among various ones, focused on a viewpoint of traceability which is one of the software design quality, giving the technological judgment for the choice among them in software development. It attempts to analyze program design method characteristics focused on traceability by an approach that it includes program implementations and analysis of them. In implementation, it is required to select a proper problem considered to keep the results to be general and correct. In analysis it is applied the program structure formalization method that enables to identify the differences among isomer programs in structures that are implemented by applying target program design methods to the same specification. It concludes that the structure can be an analysis measure of traceability, as diffrences of program structures are due to the diffrences in the program design methods' paradigms.