
島根大学総合理工学部紀要. シリーズA
.33 巻
A Nambu-Goldstone Boson from a Possible Renormalizatron Procedure
猪野 武敏
PP. 1 - 25
The extended Bukhvostov Lrpatov model in the path-integral framework
阪本 滋郎 福岡 康昭
PP. 27 - 34
A Formal Expression of Program Structures wrth Algebra
PP. 35 - 50
Error Properties in Character Recogmtion of OCR in Utilization
佐藤 匡正 岸本 頼紀
PP. 51 - 62
MIR-OAS : A New Software for Protein Structure Determination by Multiple Isomorphous Replacement method
濱田 賢作 囲 和彦 田中 信夫
PP. 63 - 71
Set-Valued Path Functional Dependency on Semantic Data Model
PP. 73 - 88
The growth mechanism of ZnSe by photo-assisted metalorganic chemical vapor deposition and photo-sensitization effect
PP. 89 - 99
MBE growth of T1GaAs on GaAs substrates for fabricating long-wavelength laser diodes on GaAs substrates
梶川 靖友 朝比奈 秀一
PP. 101 - 108
An Essay on Systematization of Technologies link to Sustainable Development
片山 裕之 北村 寿宏
PP. 109 - 123
Measurement Method of the Shear Modulus of Wood by Torsion Test II. Examination of the Width-Variation Method
PP. 125 - 130
Applicable Range of the Modified Timoshenko's Bending Equation on the Staic Bending Tests
PP. 131 - 138
Estimation of Wood Specific Gravity and chemical content with Partial Least Squares (PLS) method
村山 美穂 中井 毅尚 屋代 眞 三城 昭義
PP. 139 - 147
Mechanical Behaviror and Piezoelectric Phenomenon of Wood under Combined Compressron and Vibration Stresses
PP. 149 - 157