
島根大学総合理工学部紀要. シリーズA
.36 巻
The Development of Extraction Photometry for the Determination of Ammonia by Use of Easily-solidifying Solvent
藤永 薫 川西 史恵 清家 泰 奥村 稔
PP. 1 - 8
Effects of Mix Proportion Conditions on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cement Stabilized Soils
亀井 健史 大本 和樹 志比 利秀 松尾 和俊
PP. 9 - 15
Strength Deformation Characteristics of Cement Stabilized Soils
亀井 健史 大本 和樹 志比 利秀 松尾 和俊
PP. 17 - 24
Effects of Mixing Water on Unconfined Compressive Characteristics of Foamed Mixture Lightweight Soils Utilizing Coal Ash
PP. 25 - 32
Effects of Testing Conditions on the Grain Size Analyses of Soils
PP. 33 - 42
The Estimation of the Slip Surface under Plane Strain Undrained Compression Loading Using the Finite Element Method Based on Finite Strain
PP. 43 - 50
Bifurcation Concept in Geotechnical Analysis and the Technological Significance of a Non-coaxial Constitutive Equation of Clay
PP. 51 - 60
Education on Environment in University and Measurement of Its Effect
PP. 61 - 70
Conductive Passive Way of Sap Flow in a Cryptomeria Japonica D. Don Standing Tree
田中 徹 中井 毅尚
PP. 71 - 76
Effect of the Sap Flow Rate Requirement on the Growth of a Cryptomeria Japonica D.Don Standing Tree
荒木 高宏 中井 毅尚 中尾 哲也 安部 久
PP. 77 - 82
Thermal Conduction Characteristics of Excelsior
小林 定教 寺久保 匡志
PP. 83 - 88
Concerning Living Environment for the Aged in a Mountainous Region of the Sanin District
小林 定教 岡本 英生
PP. 89 - 96