
島根大学総合理工学部紀要. シリーズA
.37 巻
The Interpretation of the Flat Dilatometer Tests in Ariake Clay, Southwest Japan
亀井 健史 田中 政典
PP. 1 - 6
Effects of Temperature Histories on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Foamed Mixture Lightweight Soil
亀井 健史 堀切 保則
PP. 7 - 14
Effects of Freezing and Thawing on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Foamed Mixture Lightweight Soil
亀井 健史 堀切 保則
PP. 15 - 20
Effects of Curing Conditions on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Foamed Mixture Lightweight Soils Utilizing Coal Ash
亀井 健史 松尾 和俊
PP. 21 - 28
Effects of Cement Type on Unconfined Compressive Characteristics of Cement-stabilized Soils
亀井 健史 大本 和樹 松尾 和俊
PP. 29 - 36
Mechanical Properties of Compacted Coal Ash
PP. 37 - 44
Effects of Heterogeneous Hydrogeological Structure on Slope Stability Analysis
増本 清 片山 直樹 亀井 健史
PP. 45 - 52
Visualization of Web Graph
牧野 周平 国保 建 山﨑 美嘉 藤田 憲悦
PP. 53 - 64
Program Structure and Traceability Analysis
伊藤 貴子 門田 洋太郎 佐藤 匡正
PP. 65 - 74
Synthesis Theory of Lattice-type Optical Circuits and its Applications
PP. 75 - 84
A Blind Deflation Approach for MIMO-FIR Channels Driven by White but Higher-order Colored Source Signals
河本 満 井上 雄二郎 Mansour Ali Liu Ruey-wen
PP. 85 - 94
Activities of Coordinator for Accelerating Cooperation among Industries, Academia and Government in Research and Development
片山 裕之 八十 致雄 北村 寿宏 久保 衆伍
PP. 95 - 102
Conductive Passive Way of Sap Flow in Cryptomeria Japonica D. Don Standing Trees(II)
田中 徹 中井 毅尚
PP. 103 - 108
Relationship between Sap Flow Rate and Swelling and Shrinkage of the Stem in Cryptomeria Japonica Saplings
村本 健 中井 毅尚 安部 久 中尾 哲也
PP. 109 - 114