島根大学総合理工学部紀要. シリーズA
.30 巻
PP. 0 -
Optical Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy of Sekishu Clay Rooftiles
PP. 1 - 14
Synthesis and Control of Pore-opening Size of Zeolite L by Chemical Method
PP. 15 - 26
Deteriorating Process of Dacitic Pyroclastic Flow Deposits at Steep Slopes based on Hardness Distribution
PP. 27 - 38
PP. 39 - 54
Evaluation of the Maximum Excess Pore Pressure of Normally Consolidated Cohesive Soils during Undrained Shear
PP. 55 - 61
Prograde eclogites from Sambagawa basic schists in the Sebadani area, central Shikoku, Japan
猶原 亮介
青矢 睦月
PP. 63 - 73
PP. 75 - 84
Present Problems on Natural Resources and Environent, and Subjects of Ecomatenal Engineenng and Recycling Process Engineering
PP. 85 - 98
Research Activities on Removal of Residual Elements from Steel Scrap in Japan
片山 裕之
佐野 信雄
雀部 実
松岡 滋樹
PP. 99 - 114
Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Coefficient on Wet Rooftop Surface
小林 定教
萩原 文雄
PP. 115 - 124
Cnvective Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurement Method for Indoor Wall Joints Using a Radiant Energy Thermometer
小林 定教
萩原 文雄
PP. 125 - 139
Sound Transmission Loss through a Wooden Rectangular Plate Measured by a small Acoustical Box
PP. 141 - 148
Behaviour of Metal Compositions and Conditions Determing Them in Smelting Reduction of lron Ore
PP. 149 - 160
Deviation from Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium State in a Thermal Plasma and Application Technologies of Plasma for Refining Process
PP. 161 - 178
