野田 泰稔
古川 吉孝
増本 剛
島根大学総合理工学部紀要. シリーズA
.32 巻
Crystal Growth of II-VI and I-III-VI_2 Compound Semiconductors by Chemical Transport(1) : Transoort Experiments
PP. 1 - 17
Crystal Growth of II-VI and 1-III-VI_2 Compound Semiconductors by Chemical Transport(2) : Thermodynamical Consideration
野田 泰稔
古川 吉孝
中澤 重厚
PP. 19 - 36
PP. 37 - 63
A Resort for Convergence about Spinor-Spinor Systems with Short-Range Interactions
猪野 武敏
PP. 65 - 69
Quantitative Analyssis of Adsorbed Hydrogen by Means of X-ray Absorption spectroscopy
PP. 71 - 84
Plasma-Hydrogenation Effects on Electron Mobility of Lase-Crystallized Poly-Silicon Thin Films for Liquid Crystal Display Panels
PP. 85 - 96
New Prospects of the Silicon Technology : Properties of Porous Silicon and their Application to New Electron Devices
原田 曠嗣
PP. 97 - 110
PP. 111 - 129
PP. 131 - 144
Chemical compositions of the constituent minerals from the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks in the Hrroishi area, eastem Shikoku, Japan
馬渕 映美
PP. 145 - 175
Feasibility of Timoshenko's bending theory for measuring the shear modulus of wood
吉原 浩
太田 正光
PP. 177 - 184
Simplification of the measurement method of the shear modulus of wood by torsion test II, Measurement of the Shear modulus on the radial-tangential plane
吉原 浩
太田 正光
PP. 185 - 191
Update on Reduction of Dioxins in Exhaust Gas from the Incinerator
北村 寿宏
片山 裕之
PP. 193 - 204
Characteristics of polyalcohols prepared from carboxymethylcellulose
PP. 205 - 216
