小杉 善雄
島根大学総合理工学部紀要. シリーズA
.35 巻
PP. 1 - 20
Simplified Deformation Analysis of Clay Foundation under Embankments and Its Application to Construction Management
PP. 21 - 38
Bifurcation Analysis using a Model that Incorporates a Non-coaxial Term in the Modified Cam-clay Model under Plane Strain Undrained Compression Loading
PP. 39 - 59
Relationship between Inclination Angle of Shear Bands during Undrained Shear under Plane Strain Loading Conditions and Non-coaxial Parameter
PP. 61 - 73
An Approach to Improve Lecture Methods by Imposing Lesson Reports on Trainees
PP. 75 - 81
A System for Showing Inner Structures and Model Behaviors in IT Devices
PP. 83 - 90
An OCR Character Recognition Improvement Method by Preprocessor Apprpach
曹 宇
佐藤 匡正
PP. 91 - 98
PP. 99 - 106
PP. 107 - 112
Transfer Control of Liquid in Cylindrical Container Considering the Dampmg of Sloshing along a Curved Path
PP. 113 - 120
Ultrahigh Vacuum Contactless Capacitance-Voltage Characterization of Clean and Ultrathin-Insulator-Covered Silicon Surfaces
PP. 121 - 137
Workpiece Edge Quality after Milling Melamine-Coated Particleboard
Boleslaw Porankiewicz
田中 千秋
PP. 139 - 147
The Workability of Melamine Coated Particle Boards(Part II)
Boleslaw Porankiewicz
田中 千秋
PP. 149 - 156
Trial of Education on Engineering with Skills of Problem Finding and Solving
PP. 157 - 168
Approach for the Architectural Design Education in Department of Natural Resources Process Engmeermg
黒谷 靖雄
小林 定教
PP. 169 - 179
