島根大学論集. 自然科学

Current Issue
島根大学論集. 自然科学
.Volume 4
On Sierpinski's property in topological group
Yamada Miyuki
PP. 1 - 9
Tests for Homogeneity by Ranges
Tamura Ryoji
PP. 10 - 13
Experimental Study in the Resistance behind the Cathod of Dekatron Tube
Godo Akira
PP. 18 - 21
Microwave Resonance Absorption in Iron Sands
Takemoto Susumu [Shinoda Shigeru]
PP. 22 - 29
On the Dielectric and permeabilty Measurements of Carbonyl Iron Powder at 9,700 Mc/s
Mori Hiroshi [Morihashi Makoto]
PP. 30 - 31
Studies on the Change of the Lake Water Properties in the Nakanoumi(II)
[Sakai Katsuro] Soga Osamu
PP. 32 - 52
The Variation of the Chlorine by Ebb and Flow at the Lower part of the Hamada-River
Idogaki Masatoshi [Nitta Mitsuru]
PP. 53 - 56
Studies on the Decapod Crustaceans of Corea(Part II) : Hermit-Crabs(1)
Kamita Tsuneichi
PP. 57 - 70
The Studies on the Axis of Movement of the Appendicular Skelton of Japanese Black Breed of Cattle(3) : The Distances from the Centers of Movement of the Articulations to the Attachment of Muscles
Morimasa Sadato
PP. 71 - 83
Development of the Peristome in Mnium Microphyllum Doz. et Molk
Saito Shintaro [Nishida Yukoh]
PP. 84 - 93
Stdies on the Flower Types and Sex Expressions in Spinach
[Murayama Hidenobu]
PP. 94 - 104
A Study on "Alnus Firma Sied. Et Zucc" : As a Plant for the Soil Conservastion and Utilization of the Waste Land
[Yamane Seiichi] [Bessho Kenji]
PP. 105 - 111
PP. 0 -