島根大学論集. 自然科学

島根大学論集. 自然科学
.10 巻
Temperature Dependence of the Line Width of Ferrimagnetic Resonance in Polycrystalline Nickel Cadmium Ferrite
竹本 將
PP. 1 - 6
On the Phase Shifts in Scattering Problems
竹原 敏夫
PP. 7 - 9
Room Temperature Annealing of γ-Ray Damage in Germanium
岡 真弘 (旧名:正巳)
PP. 10 - 16
A Study on the Hydration of Ion
石田 美雄
PP. 17 - 27
Transistor Cold-Cathode Counter Tube Drive Circuit
神門 顕
PP. 28 - 31
Chemical Studies on Mentha(III) : On the Odorous Substances of Mint Plants(I)
長沢 徹 曾我 治
PP. 32 - 39
Studies on the Chromites in the Tari District, Tottori Prefecture
北原 順一
PP. 40 - 68
Morphology and Development of the Hatching Gland Cells in a Teleost, Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck et Schlegel)
伊賀 哲郎
PP. 69 - 74
Aerial and Terrestrial Algae in San-in Region of Honshu, Japan
秋山 優
PP. 75 - 89
Note on the Seasonal Activity of Drosophila observed in the Rakuzan Park, Matsue City
若浜 健一
PP. 90 - 95
A Study on the Draught-Mechanism of the Draught Animal : The Equilibration of the Draught Animal in Station with Draughtt
盛政 貞人
PP. 96 - 119
Abelian Groups and Matrices
新谷 三郎
PP. 120 - 124
Quasi-regular Bands
山田 深雪
PP. 125 - 131
PP. 0 -