島根大学論集. 自然科学

島根大学論集. 自然科学
.9 巻
A Remark on Periodic Semigroups
山田 深雪
PP. 1 - 5
On a Large Deflection of Clamped Parallelogrammic Isotropic Flat Plate(I) : Derivation of the Expression of the Total Potential Energy of the Plate
長谷川 節
PP. 6 - 9
On the Measurement of the Dielectric Constant at the Frequency of 9700 MC/S
森 弘
PP. 10 - 14
Microwave Resonance Absorption in Binary Ferrite System
竹本 將 岡 正巳
PP. 15 - 22
On the Collection Effect of Rain Drop
岡崎 庶兄
PP. 23 - 29
Chemical Studies on Mentha(II) : On the Odorous Components of the Japanese Peppermint Oils(I)
長沢 徹
PP. 30 - 43
Studies on the Chromites and their Occurrences in the Tari District, Tottori Prefecture, Japan(II)
北原 順一
PP. 44 - 54
Studies on the Germination of the Spores in Some Mosses
齊藤 眞太郎
PP. 55 - 63
Development of the Hatching Gland in the Teleost, Leuciscus hakuensis Gunther
伊賀 哲郎
PP. 64 - 68
Oecological Studies on Algal Flora in Lakes Shinji and Nakano-umi(I) : Distribution of Macroscopic Algae
秋山 優 西上 一義
PP. 69 - 75