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この文献の参照には次のURLをご利用ください : https://doi.org/10.24568/6290
島根大学地質学研究報告 6 巻
1987-06-30 発行
Quantitative Analysis of Seven Trace Elements in Silicate Rocks using Fused Disk-Samples by X-ray Fluorescence Method(Rh-tube)
市川 博之
酒井 利啓
渡辺 暉夫
飯泉 滋
( 731 KB )
Quantita, tive analysis of some trace elments, Zr, Y, Sr, Rb, Ni, Cr, and V by X-ray fluorescence method (Rh-tude) has been examined for fused disk-sample Swhich have been used for major elements analyses. Fused disks were prepared from mixtures of powdered rock-samples (0.7g) and Li_2B_4O_7 (3.5g). Correction values by mass absorption coefficients are calculated from data, of direct analyses for major elements. This correction is the most important merit of this analytical procedure. As a Rh-tude can generate strong Ka lines of Zr, Sr, Rb, and Y, fused disks are convenient for both major and trace elments analyses. Standard samples are made from mixture of pure oxide powder and three kinds of standard samples, i. e., felsic, intermediate, and mafic are prepared for the trace elements analysis.
The results are fairly good, especially for Sr and Rb. Comparative data between our results and recommended values for standard samples of Geological Survey of Japan and U. S. Geological Survey are listed in Table 3.
The results are fairly good, especially for Sr and Rb. Comparative data between our results and recommended values for standard samples of Geological Survey of Japan and U. S. Geological Survey are listed in Table 3.
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PP. 175 - 183