大西 郁夫
.8 巻
Late Quatemary Floras in Chugoku District Part4. : Peat Beds of Fukuhara in Nitacho and Tambe in Sadacho, Shimane Prefecture
PP. 1 - 6
PP. 7 - 16
Ground water in the subsurface Quatemary sediments in the Izumo Plain, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
山内 靖喜
三梨 昂
小林 治郎
甲斐 国臣
増井 貴
浜崎 晃
PP. 17 - 26
Natural history of Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes (IX) : Isobaths of the base of Quatemary deposits(Nakaumi, Yasugl and Yumigahama Formations)in the Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes by echo-sounding
後藤 慎二
PP. 27 - 31
Natural history of Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes (X) : Molluscan thanatocoenoses from the bottom deposits of Lake Nakano-umi and their historical distribution
PP. 33 - 50
Natural history of Nakano-dmi and Shinji Lakes (XI) : Foraminiferal assmblages in the boring core from the central part of Lake Shinji
PP. 51 - 59
Blostratigraphy and structure of the Permian Maizuru Group in westem part of Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan with special reference to acid volcanic rocks
PP. 61 - 71
The Hokutan Group in the southwestem area of the Tango Peninsula, Kyoto Prefecture, west Japan
永美 章
山内 靖喜
PP. 73 - 82
PP. 83 - 96