
.8 巻
Late Quatemary Floras in Chugoku District Part4. : Peat Beds of Fukuhara in Nitacho and Tambe in Sadacho, Shimane Prefecture
大西 郁夫
PP. 1 - 6
Late Quatemary Volcanic Glass in Central San'in District
大西 郁夫 西田 史朗 渡辺 正巳
PP. 7 - 16
Ground water in the subsurface Quatemary sediments in the Izumo Plain, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
山内 靖喜 三梨 昂 小林 治郎 甲斐 国臣 増井 貴 浜崎 晃
PP. 17 - 26
Natural history of Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes (IX) : Isobaths of the base of Quatemary deposits(Nakaumi, Yasugl and Yumigahama Formations)in the Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes by echo-sounding
後藤 慎二 中海・宍道湖自然史研究会
PP. 27 - 31
Natural history of Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes (X) : Molluscan thanatocoenoses from the bottom deposits of Lake Nakano-umi and their historical distribution
高安 克已 小野 俊彦 住田 耕一
PP. 33 - 50
Natural history of Nakano-dmi and Shinji Lakes (XI) : Foraminiferal assmblages in the boring core from the central part of Lake Shinji
前本 義幸 紺田 功 高安 克已
PP. 51 - 59
Blostratigraphy and structure of the Permian Maizuru Group in westem part of Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan with special reference to acid volcanic rocks
石賀 裕明 菅田 康彦 船越 伸明 竹下 浩征 徳岡 隆夫
PP. 61 - 71
The Hokutan Group in the southwestem area of the Tango Peninsula, Kyoto Prefecture, west Japan
永美 章 山内 靖喜
PP. 73 - 82
In memoriam;A list of the writings left by the late Professor Jun'ichi KITAHARA
横山 鼎
PP. 83 - 96