.9 巻
PP. i - x
PP. 1 - 4
Compositional variation of F and Cl in zoned amphiboles from quartz diorites in the Daito-Yokota area, San-in belt, Southwest Japan
川勝 和哉
山口 佳昭
PP. 5 - 8
Pink-colored epidote from the Sangun metamorphic rocks in the northeastem part of Mito-cho, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
PP. 9 - 16
PP. 17 - 27
Metamorphlsm of the Shitaai Formatioll in the Sangun belt, Wakasa area, central Japan
山口 健二
PP. 29 - 36
Clasts of metamorphic rocks within the Eocene Kuma Group in the Kamegamori area, westem Shikoku, Japan
廣田 善夫
PP. 37 - 47
Two metamorphic paths in the Tonaru epidote amphlbolite mass within the Sambagawa belt, Besshi district, central Shikoku
森山 浩
PP. 49 - 54
Cretaceous igneous activity in and around Kisa-cho, Hiroshima Prefecture, Southwest Japan
PP. 55 - 63
Radiolarian biostratigraphy and structure of the Permian Maizuru Group in eastem part of Yanahara area, Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan
西村 貢一
PP. 65 - 84
Geologic examination of the borehole data from the eastem part of the Himeji Prefecture, Southwest Japan
PP. 85 - 90
Study of the pre-Jurassie terranes in and around the Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan
PP. 91 - 96
Study on the correlation of the pyroclastie key beds in the Miura Group, Kanto district, Japan
PP. 97 - 115
PP. 117 - 127
Natural history of the Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes XII. : Ostracode thanatocoenoces from the bottom deposits of Lake Nakano-umi and their historical distribution
PP. 129 - 144
Natural history of the Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes XIII. : Foraminiferal assemblages of the core samples from southeastern part of Lake Nakanoumi and their historical distribution
PP. 145 - 158
Natural history of the Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes XIV. : Diatom analysis of the boring core samples from Lake Shinji
鹿島 薫
PP. 159 - 161
PP. (162) -