大西 郁夫
.7 巻
Late Quaternary Floras in Chugoku District : Part 3. Peat Beds from Kuchihosomi, in Tottori City
PP. 1 - 4
The subsurface Quarternary deposits and topography at its base in the Hikawa Plain, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
山内 靖喜
稲原 克哉
大西 郁夫
PP. 5 - 12
Natural history of Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes (VII) : Bottom sediments and isobaths of the base of Holocene deposits in the Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes by echo-sounding
後藤 慎二
PP. 13 - 23
Natural history of Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes (VIII) : Pollen analysis of core sample from Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes
渡辺 正巳
PP. 25 - 32
Distribution of Heavy Metals on the Bottom Surface Deposits of the Lake Shinji
横田 節哉
井内 美郎
徳岡 隆夫
PP. 33 - 37
Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Maizuru Group in the northwest of Ibara and Kanagawa areas, Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan
PP. 39 - 48
Permian silicic volcaniclastic rocks in the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan (Part 1)
PP. 49 - 68
PP. 69 - 76
Some Carbonaceous Rocks found in Bedded Chert of the Jurassic Kuga Group, Southwest Japan (Preliminary Report)
藤江 信哉
島田 昱郎
渡辺 暉夫
PP. 77 - 84
Improvement of EPMA CORRECTION COMPUTER PROGRAM for OFF-LINE quantitative analysis
赤坂 正秀
山口 佳昭
PP. 85 - 90
PP. 91 - 97
Neogene molluscan fossil assemblages from the Tsuma district in Dogo, Oki Islands, southwest Japan
角舘 正勝
PP. 99 - 112
Fossil fish otolith from the Middle Miocene Fujina Formation, San-in district, southwest Japan
高安 克已
高橋 正志
PP. 113 - 115