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島根大学医学部紀要 47 巻
2025-03 発行
Comparison of Mid-career Nurses Work-life Balance Between Subject to Childcare Support Measures and Those Do Not Support
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The purpose of this study was to compare the actual work-life balance(WLB)status of mid-career nurses subject to childcare support measures and those not, and to obtain suggestions for nurse retention. A questionnaire survey was conducted with non-positioned nurses aged 25-49 employed in hospitals with over 500 beds. The survey included WLB realization, WLB achievement scale, attributes, and work status. The subjects were analyzed by grouping them into childless, supported, and unsupported groups. The results showed that the supported group had a higher sense of WLB realization than the other two groups, while the unsupported group had a lower sense. Compared to the supported group, the other two groups had significantly higher number of night shifts and number of roles in the workplace, and the unsupported group had the most overtime hours. In addition to their role as mid-career nurses, the nurses in the unsupported group had an increased workload, making it difficult for them to achieve a WLB. In order for everyone to be able to realize their desired WLB, it is necessary to establish support for nurses who childless and nurses who are no longer eligible for childcare support after their children enter school.
本研究は、中堅看護師の育児支援策対象者と非対象者のwork-life balance(WLB)の実情を比較し、看護師定着のための示唆を得ることを目的とした。500 床以上の病院に勤務する25 歳から49 歳の役職のない看護師を対象に質問紙調査を行った。調査内容は、WLB実現感、仕事と生活の調和実現度尺度、属性、勤務状況である。対象者を子無群、支援有群、支援無群に群分けして分析した。その結果、支援有群は他の2群と比較してWLB実現感が高く、支援無群は低くなっていた。支援有群と比較して、他の2群は夜勤回数と職場内での役割数が有意に多く、支援無群が最も時間外労働時間が長かった。支援無群は中堅看護師としての立場上の役割に加えて、業務負担の増大がありWLBが実現しづらい状況となっていた。誰もが望むWLBを実現するためには、子どもの有無や子の年齢に関係なく支援をする必要がある。
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