
.29 巻
A study on the needs of walking support for frail elderly people in a cold region
大畑 政子 原 祥子 松下 恭子 多田 敏子
PP. 23 - 30
Construction of support network for families and for their children requiring medical homecare
矢田 昭子 岩野 真保 森山 佳江 牧野 由美子 太田 桂子 錦織 幸枝 笠柄 みどり
PP. 31 - 40
Effect of pre-and-post operative chemotherapy on HER2 overexpressing stage IV breast cancer-a case report-
益永 礼子 Kubota Hirofumi 立花 光夫
PP. 41 - 45
Two cases of nonpalpable breast cancer detected on screening mammography as suspicion of "architectural distortion"
益永 礼子 Kubota Hirofumi 立花 光夫
PP. 47 - 50