
.40 巻
Day and Short Stay Surgery for Infants and Children Tailored to Local Endemism Within Shimane
仲田 惣一 久守 孝司 太田 陽子 石橋 脩一 田島 義証
PP. 1 - 6
Research on the Career Orientation of the Re-employed Nurses and the Career Continued Nurses
PP. 7 - 16
Process to Overcome the Difficulties in the Role Performance of New Head Nurses During Their First Year
PP. 17 - 26
Relationship Between the Information Served by Medical Staff and the Thinking About the End-of-life Care in Elderly Subjects Who Lost Their Spouse
PP. 27 - 35
Association Between the Timing of Referral to the Nutrition Support Team and Disease Outcome at Discharge of Inpatients at Shimane University Hospital
矢田 里沙子 平井 順子 野畑 亜希子 佐藤 恵美 野津 吉友 遠藤 進一 尾村 賢司 井上 美香 陰山 美保子 間壁 史良 原 祐樹 飛田 博史 福田 誠司 板倉 正幸 矢野 彰三
PP. 37 - 43
A Qualitative Study of the Current Situation and Strategies for General Physician Development in Community Medicine
木島 庸貴 日髙 美佐恵 高橋 賢史 藤原 和成 藤原 悠子 原 祥子 石橋 豊 谷口 栄作
PP. 45 - 52
Recognizing the Risk of Falls and Cooperation With Multi-occupation in Care Health Facility
福岡 理英 岩佐 穂那美 小笹 美子 小桜 彩絢 森重 佑香 森岡 咲紀
PP. 53 - 57
The Relationship Between the Attitudes of Nurses Caring for End-of-life Cancer Patients and Grief Work in General Wards
PP. 59 - 67
Stress and Support in the University Life of Nursing Students
小笹 美子 森岡 咲紀 福岡 理英 小桜 彩絢 岩佐 穂那美 森重 佑香
PP. 69 - 76
Actual Situation of the Leader Role of Nurses Who Experienced 1 or 2 Years Leader Work
泉 絵理子 北郷 美穂 梶谷 弘美
PP. 77 - 83