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この文献の参照には次のURLをご利用ください : https://doi.org/10.24568/40813
島根大学医学部紀要 40 巻
2018-03-31 発行
当院で行っている日帰り手術と1泊2日入院手術の圏域別比較 -地域のニーズに合わせた診療体制の構築-
Day and Short Stay Surgery for Infants and Children Tailored to Local Endemism Within Shimane
紀要40 pp.1-6.pdf
( 1.43 MB )
We have established a day and short stay surgery pathway for infants and children,
which is tailored to the local endemism within Shimane. The gists of this system are as follows:
1 )we pediatric surgeons visit local hospitals and provide outpatient services; 2 )the patients are
allowed to choose either day surgery(DS)or short stay surgery(SS), depending on their wishes
and living environment; and 3 )we provide a close postoperative follow-up process in coorperation
with local hospitals. In the present study, we reviewed the outcomes of 642 patients who underwent
pediatric surgery on this perioperative pathway. The DS and SS groups included 473 and 169 patients,
respectively. The patients who live around our hospital tended to choose DS, while patients who live
in rural areas wished to receive SS. Only a few patients, 11(2%)cases with DS and 7(4%)with
SS, showed a delayed discharge from the hospital for some reasons and the perioperative pathway
was confirmed to be safe. In performing minimally invasive pediatric surgeries, our perioperative
management system combined with "day surgery" and "short stay surgery" could provide a safe
surgical support with a high satisfaction for most patients in Shimane.
which is tailored to the local endemism within Shimane. The gists of this system are as follows:
1 )we pediatric surgeons visit local hospitals and provide outpatient services; 2 )the patients are
allowed to choose either day surgery(DS)or short stay surgery(SS), depending on their wishes
and living environment; and 3 )we provide a close postoperative follow-up process in coorperation
with local hospitals. In the present study, we reviewed the outcomes of 642 patients who underwent
pediatric surgery on this perioperative pathway. The DS and SS groups included 473 and 169 patients,
respectively. The patients who live around our hospital tended to choose DS, while patients who live
in rural areas wished to receive SS. Only a few patients, 11(2%)cases with DS and 7(4%)with
SS, showed a delayed discharge from the hospital for some reasons and the perioperative pathway
was confirmed to be safe. In performing minimally invasive pediatric surgeries, our perioperative
management system combined with "day surgery" and "short stay surgery" could provide a safe
surgical support with a high satisfaction for most patients in Shimane.
の患者を主体に、希望に応じて行っている。今回、これらの体制を構築した2009 年5月から5年
た。種々の理由で退院延期となった症例はDS群11 例(2%)、SS群7例(4%)と僅かであった。
の患者を主体に、希望に応じて行っている。今回、これらの体制を構築した2009 年5月から5年
た。種々の理由で退院延期となった症例はDS群11 例(2%)、SS群7例(4%)と僅かであった。
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