島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学

島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学
.20 巻
Die didaktische Forschung von Unterrichtsfuhrung und Unterrichtsbewertung
PP. 1 - 33
An Experimental Study on the Education of 'Environment and Resources' in Social Studies(III) : On the case of Teaching on 'Water'
有馬 毅一郎 森本 直人 伊藤 博敏 木村 進 山崎 裕二
PP. 35 - 55
A Study of Achievement Motivation in Mathematics Learning(II) : On the Relationship between Achievement Motivation in Mathematics Learning and Mathematical Problem Solving Performance
PP. 57 - 63
On the Basis of Establishment of Science for the Lower Graders in Elementary School : Case of Seijo Elementary School in the Taisho Period
鶴岡 義彦
PP. 85 - 96
Basic Study in Conducting Orchestral Music I. A view based on the performaces of string-instruments
知念 辰朗
PP. 97 - 106
Uber die Systematik der Musikpadagogik
久納 慶一
PP. 107 - 111
Die Grundlage der Musikerziehung der Waldorfpadagogik
大久保 佐知子
PP. 113 - 118
A Fundamental Study on the Judo(V)
藤岡 正春
PP. 119 - 125
Dance Education of Masahiko AKAMA (Nihon-taiiku-kai) : the Taisho era and early in the Showa era
中野 祐子
PP. 127 - 139
A Study on Teaching Mathods in Shot Put.(Part 2) : on the Shot Put from a Standing Position
斎藤 重徳 渡辺 悦男 大谷 和壽 伊藤 豊彦 植野 淳一
PP. 141 - 155
The Relationship between Junior High School Students and their Parents under the Influence of the Television in their Everyday Lives
太田 昌子 藤原 八千代
PP. 157 - 166
Search for the Teaching Mathod to Let Students Wrestle Subjectively with 'the Production' Studies : Through Coeducational 'Metalworking' Studies
大國 博昭 中島 康博
PP. 167 - 178
Systematization of Play in Curricula for Special School Education
PP. 179 - 185
Methodological Problems in the Study of Fear-Arousing Communications
深田 博己
PP. 187 - 205
An Essay on the Character of School Pupils' Achievement in the Imformation Society
大淀 昇一
PP. 1 - 11