島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学

島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学
.18 巻
Education of 'Environment and Resources' in Social Studies(I) : on the case of 'Resources and Energy' Studies
PP. 1 - 11
An Experimental Study on the Education of 'Environment and Resources' in Social Studies(I) : Especially on the Case of Energy Education in 9th grade
有馬 毅一郎 森本 直人 間田 浩彬
PP. 13 - 30
New Educational Thought and Dance Education : The Theory and Tamagawa Gakuen. Kuniyoshi Obara
中野 祐子
PP. 31 - 45
On the Laterality in the Lower Limbs upon the Occasion of Physical Activities
大谷 和壽 植野 淳一
PP. 47 - 54
Study on the Shot Putters in Junior High Schools of Shimane Prefecture(2) : on the Realities of Shot Put Technique
PP. 55 - 66
Guidance of Clothing Education in Junior High School : the Case of Shimane Prefecture
多々納 道子 大島 麻里
PP. 67 - 76
Women's Self-Awareness of the Participation in Community Activities
太田 昌子 渡部 圭子
PP. 77 - 87
Reconstructuring of Sex Education for Disabled Children
PP. 89 - 96
Curricula for Preschool Children Considering the Relation of Ability to Physical Exercises to Intellectual Development
西 信高 渡部 真理子 加本 和子
PP. 97 - 109
Influence of Topics, Media, Subjects and Criteria on Persuasive Effectiveness of Fear Arousing Communications : An analysis of the Previous Studies
深田 博己
PP. 111 - 127