望田 研吾
島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学
.11 巻
Tradition and Change in Secondary Education in England and Wales : Rise of the Idea of the Comprehensive School
PP. 1 - 7
Planning The Lesson of "Human Society and Family" in Secondary Social Studies(Part I) : The Rationale and the Course of Study
今谷 順重
安部 登
安立 良
曾田 満子
PP. 9 - 22
Planning The Lesson of "Human Suciety and Family" in Secondary Social Studies(Part II) : The Practice of the Lesson Plan and Its Conclusion
今谷 順重
安部 登
安立 良
曾田 満子
PP. 23 - 36
Problems in Mathematical Symbolism(IV) : Consistent Classification of Quadrilaterals and Its Diagrammatical Representations
三野 栄治
PP. 37 - 47
Some Example of Teaching Mathod and the Effects of "Heat Materials" by the Use of Models
井藤 芳喜
首藤 恵利
柘植 喜代子
PP. 49 - 54
A Study of Teaching Materials and Malhods of Science in the Elementary School : On Floating or Sinking of Bodies in Liquids
川原 寄人
PP. 55 - 59
Perfective Aspect of the English Verb : The Essential Meaning and How to Teach It Effectively
小寺 茂明
PP. 61 - 72
Several Kinds of Evaluations in Industrial Arts Education And Their Applications
盛政 貞人
PP. 73 - 83
Students' Awareness of the Equality of Man and Woman and the Factors Forming It : A Suggestion for Future Home Economics Education
太田 昌子
永田 七恵
PP. 85 - 96
PP. 97 - 106
PP. 107 - 113
PP. 115 - 120