島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学

アクセス数 : 1269
ダウンロード数 : 195
島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学 20 巻
1986-12-25 発行


The Relationship between Junior High School Students and their Parents under the Influence of the Television in their Everyday Lives
太田 昌子
藤原 八千代
b005002000k012.pdf ( 1.41 MB )
The aim of this investigation was to clarify the effects of the television in ourlives upon the relationship between the parents and their children.
The subjects were 326 junior high school students in Matsue City.
First, the actual situations both of viewing the television in their everyday lives and of the communicative relationship between them and their parents were observed.
Secondly, the mutual relationship between the above-mentioned two situations were investigated.
We considered from the results that, under a good relationship between the parents and their children, the existence of the television increased more familiarity between them, but that, under an undesirable relationship between them, the existence of the television made matters worse.