Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 8
1974-12-15 発行


The Function of the Automatic Crane in the Greenhouse
Terada, Toshiro
Yoshino, Shigeto
We developed the automatic crane that operating environmental control and mission of works in the greenhouse.
(1) The use of three-phase induction motor for motive power of gate formed crane.
The speed of the automatic crane.
*Tillage, soil preparation and seed furrow, : at 20 m/min.
*Mist cooling, Chemical spray, Liquid fertilizer spray, : at 10 m/min.
*Planting, Harvesting, : 33 m/min by hand.
(2) Tillage, soil preparation and seed furrow are operated automatically by the timer which are established in the computer room, at the fixed time.
(3) When air and soil temperatures in the greenhouse get beyond the upper limit of established temperatures in cultivation, the automatic crane sprays mist while moving according to the directions of computers. As the results, the temperature conditions in the greenhouse are able to be kept desirably for the growth of plants.