Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 13
1979-12-15 発行

Gonatocerus sp.(Hymenoptera : Mymaridae)成虫の生存期間および寄生活動について

On the Longevity and Parasitic Activity of Adult Gonatocerus sp. (Hymenoptera : Mymaridae)
Miura, Tadashi
1 ) Gonatocerus sp. was increased in both mades of bisexual reproduction and arrhenotokous parthenogenesis.
2 ) The longevity of adult Gonatocerus sp. was 11-14 days and 4-5 days in honey feeding and water feeding, respectively, under the condition controlled at 28±1℃ with a 14-hour photoperiod. There are no differences in longevity between male and female, or between mated and unmated females.
3 ) Gonatocerus sp. did attack 50-70% of the total number of parasitized host eggs in the first day after emergence, and thereafter their parasitic activity fell down gradually.
4 ) The sex-ratio of F1 generation in Gonatocerus sp. from bisexual reproduction was 69.04 and 30.94 in female and male, respectively.