Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 11
1977-12-15 発行

中海干拓地農業への都市下水利用に関する基礎的研究(I) : 無灌漑下における土壌成分の変化について

Basic Research on the Application of Urban Sewage to the Agriculture at the Reclaimed Lands of Nakanoumi Area(I) : Change in Soil Components under No Artificial Irrigation
Matsui, Yoshihisa
Tatewaki, Natsuko
Terada, Toshiro
Yoshino, Shigeto
Fukuda, Akira
The change in chemical components of soil with time was examined under no artificial irrigation by means of lysimeters packed with soil taken from the reclaimed land of Iya. The soil was rich in fine particles(silty clay) and poor in the permeability of water, so that the desalting of the soil was siginficantly difficult. The soil had an abundance of oxi dizable sulfurs, which were oxidized by air with the elevation of atmospheric temperature to give sulfuric acid. The resulting acidific ation of the soil made the growth of crops very difficult.