
アクセス数 : 1235
ダウンロード数 : 371
島根大学総合理工学部紀要. シリーズA Volume 31
published_at 1997-12-26


Nonlinear Spring Charactenstics of Magnetic Beanng
c0040031r002.pdf ( 912 KB )
The author studies the nonlinear spning characteristics of a magnetic bearing by expeirments and numerical simulations. The experimental system consists of a radial magnetic bearing stator which is located horizontally,a cylindrical iron rotor supported by steel balls,analog PID control circuits and an exciter. The influences of the static load,the exciting force and feedback coefficients of the PID control circuits on the resonance curve of the system are investigated.
As results followings are clarified. Due to the characteristics of linearpower amplifier in the control circuits,the spring constant of the magnetic bearing becomes smaller when the control current exceeds the bias current. Consequently,the characteristic of the bearing becomes soft spring type and inclination of response curve is observed.