Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
Shimane Journal of Medical Science

アクセス数 : 1027
ダウンロード数 : 71
Shimane journal of medical science 21 巻 2 号
2003-09-01 発行

Effects of zinc on immune response and ascorbic acid status in alcoholics

Chakrabarti Moitrayee
Chakrabarti Asim
Bandyopadhyay Asok
Chakravarti Asirn K.
m003002102001.pdf ( 77.1 KB )
The possible effect of zinc as a detoxicant and an immunostimulant has been evaluated by supplementing chronic alcoholics without overt liver disease with oral zinc sulphate. Satisfactory changes were observed after the supplementation and many of the altered features of the alcoholics showed tendency towards normalcy. After the therapy there was a reduction in serum γ-glutamyl transpeptidase activity, increase in the percentage of serum albumin, rosette forming cells, blastogenesis and DNA synthesis in proliferating T cells. On the other hand there was decrease in the level of serum immunoglobulin and both plasma and leucocyte dehydroascorbic acid. It seems that both blastogenesis and the increased rate of DNA synthesis in alcoholics after zinc therapy could be a direct effect of zinc or its action may be mediated by ascorbate /dehydroascorbate system through its antioxidant property.