
アクセス数 : 1455
ダウンロード数 : 123
島根医科大学紀要 26 巻
2003-09-01 発行


Periodontal disease-related factors in Kashima town and examination of preventive measures
田中 里佳
m0020026004.pdf ( 398 KB )
Kenko Nippon 21 (Healthy Japan 21) describes periodontal disease as the fourth-ranking lifestyle-related illness after cancer, cardiovaseular disease and diabetes. Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease finally, Ieading to loss of teeth. We analyzed the relationship between the severity of periodontal disease and systemic conditions, Iife~tyle and self-consciousness as factors for evaluating future dental health measures. A survey was carried out on 340 persons who had undergone a basic medical checkup and a dental checkup for grownups, and 94 respondents to a questionnaire on lifestyle in Kashima town, one of the priority municipalities for five-year emergency strategic project 8020, which began in fiscal 1999 in S prefecture. The results revealed that periodontal disease severity was related to hepatie function disorder (p<0.05), and also to the presence or absence of bone motile organ disease, presence or absence of more than 1 9 remaining teeth and the severity of hypertension.Regarding the correlation of periodontal disease with lifestyle, the greater number of cigarettes were smoked, the more serious periodontal disease was observed. Furthermore, regarding its relationship with eating habits as well, signifrcant difference was observed. Regarding self-consciousness, since even serious periodontal disease patients feel nether inconvenience or pain, nor notice few symptoms, the necessity of acting on the idea of dental health was suggested.