黒川 正巳
.13 巻
PP. 1 - 5
黒川 正巳
PP. 7 - 11
PP. 13 - 18
Extended Programs for Protein and Nucleic Acid Sequence Information Analysis System : AUTO and BUNSEKI
PP. 19 - 27
Sequence Information Analysis of Actin : I. Amino Acid Sequence Alignment
PP. 29 - 46
Sequence Information Analysis of Actin : II. Nucleotide Replacement and Amino acid Mutation
PP. 47 - 57
CNDO/2 Calculation of Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants in I_3Cl^+_2SbCl^-_6
PP. 59 - 67
A Techical Analysis of the Korea Team in the 1989 World Cup Volleyball Tournament : On Rate of Serve-Reception
PP. 69 - 77
A Case of Infection with the Hard Tick, Haemaphysalis flava (Acarina: Ixodidae), Infested in a Hare Kept in a School
阿部 顕治
礒邊 顕生
岡本 伝男
山根 洋右
白石 守男
小野 隆司
PP. 79 - 85
Three Patients with Hyperthyroidism Detected by Screening for Thyroid Microsomal Antibodies in a Population
野津 和巳
岡 暢之
古家 寛司
正木 洋治
加藤 譲
PP. 87 - 93
岡 晃弘
黒川 正巳
PP. 95 - 99