
.16 巻
Terminal Care and Literature
黒川 正巳
PP. 1 - 4
Unenlightened Poetry of the Mind : An Essay on Ohgai Mori
黒川 正巳
PP. 5 - 9
A Study on Health Status Evaluated by ADL (Activities of Daily Living) in Farming and Fishing Areas in Shimane Prefecture
阿部 美代子 小栗 哲久 岸本 拓治 山部 清子 福澤 陽一郎 大野 美香 多田 學
PP. 11 - 17
Computer Programs to Control Bibliographical Informations Designed by dBASE III PLUS
比留木 武雄
PP. 19 - 29
Resonance Raman Spectra from Intact Plant Tissues by Micro Raman Scattering
田口 功
PP. 31 - 34
Sequence Information Analysis of Actin : III. Amino Acid Sequence Information and Three-Dimensional Domain Structure
PP. 35 - 40