市川 真澄
.3 巻
Christopher Maher John
PP. 19 - 29
A Historical Analysis of Tatara Iron Industry (III) : Interdependence of Tatara Industry and Rural Communities from the Viewpoint of the Transportations of Commodities
中尾 鉱
PP. 41 - 54
Study of the Physique and Physical Fitness of the Students in Shimane Medical University
PP. 55 - 68
Study on the Fallen Bacteria in Shimane Medical University Hospital and Shimane Central Hospital
冨岡 治明
PP. 69 - 77
Escape from school to Illness : A Pediatric Case of Astasia-abasia
小滝 信夫
阿部 勝利
PP. 79 - 89
PP. 91 - 98