
.11 巻
Comparison between the Uygur Nationality and the Kazakh in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the People's Republic of China : Especially about religion and family relations
島 久洋
PP. 1 - 23
Intellectual Property and Computer Software
PP. 25 - 33
Pesonal Computer System for Information Analysis of Protein/Nuclic Acid Sequences : Protein and Nuclic Acid Sequence Database Construction System (DBSEQ)
浅井 正俊 清水 俊夫 田中 修三 田口 功
PP. 35 - 44
An Experimental Study on Chloroform-toxic Liver Disturbance : V. Chloroform Hepatic Injury in Late Pregnant Rabbit
坂本 巌 飯田 幸司 村尾 文規
PP. 45 - 51
The Relationship between Physical Constitution and Fitness, and Swimming Performance among Primary School Swimmers(1)
木原 勇夫 梶谷 節夫
PP. 53 - 59
Statistical Analyses on Medico-Legal Autopsies Performed in Department of Legal Medidne, Shimane Medical University in the Recent 10 Years
赤羽 敦 稲垣 靖子 田部 浩一 福島 正充 松原 和夫 高橋 節典 塩野 寛
PP. 61 - 69
The Second Case Infestation with the Hard Tick Haemaphysalis flava (Acarina: Ixodidae) Found in Shimane, Japan
尾崎 米厚 岡本 伝男 阿部 顕治 塩飽 邦憲 山根 洋右 川崎 洋司
PP. 71 - 76
Two Cases of Heavy Infection of Anisakis Larvae
阿部 顕治 山根 洋右 沖田 瑛一 沖田 秀二 沖田 旺治 中村 司
PP. 77 - 83
PP. 101 - 118
Cairns Ronald Simpson
PP. 119 - 129
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion International Conference on Health Promotion The Move towards a New Public Health November 17-21, 1986 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
山根 洋右 塩飽 邦憲 阿部 顕治 尾崎 米厚 岡本 伝男
PP. 139 - 143
Health Care for the Elderly : CMA Policy Summary
山根 洋右
PP. 145 - 152
Secretary, F. G. Junger
黒川 正巳
PP. 153 - 156
The Letters to Romain Rolland. S. Zweig
川上 秀子 黒川 正巳
PP. 157 - 164