
.24 巻
Goethe's "Wahlverwandtschaften" : on love and life
PP. 1 - 21
Educational effect of nursing student's development in the interpersonal relations course
長田 京子 松尾 典子 古賀 美紀 土作 幸恵
PP. 21 - 26
cDNA lottery of a phytopathogenic fungus : a report of studies of the third year graders allotted to the department of chemistry in the year 2000
吉田 浩 飯塚 真理 石ヶ坪 潤 小田 耕平 小川 祥子 福島 理恵
PP. 33 - 38
Effect of Systolic Blood Pressure on Double-product Break-pointValue as an Index of Optimum Exercise Strength
矢倉 千昭 木原 勇夫
PP. 39 - 44
Evaluation of care management by family of the insured in the long-term care insurance
PP. 45 - 52
Recent trend in health-related fitness evaluation
PP. 53 - 58
Animal experiments in medical schools : ethical and technical standards required of experimenters
権田 辰夫 松田 幸久
PP. 59 - 72