
アクセス数 : 1583
ダウンロード数 : 195
島根医科大学紀要 25 巻
2002-12-01 発行

看護職者の育児支援に関する研究 : 第3報 地方と都市部の看護職者の育児ストレスとストレスへの対処行動

Studies of child-rearing support among nurses : third report : child-rear stress and coping in rural and urban nurses
石倉 武子
山口 雅子
m0020025006.pdf ( 4.27 MB )
The purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of stress nurses who have child-rearing have, and how they deal with it in the rural group and in the urban group. A self-adnrinistered questionnaire survey of child-rearing stress and eoping was conducted among 989 nurses in izumo City (rural group) and 853 in Osaka prefecture (urban group). It analyzed that 525 (61%) nurses in the rural group and 156(23%) in the urban group had experience with child-rearing.
The results show that as for the stress of child-rearing, nurses who made such comments as: "I'm sorry for children", "I can't play a proper role as a mother", and "Mothers should take care of their children until three years old", were more common in the rural group. As for the family structure, in the rural group the number of nurses who live with their parents-in-low is significantly larger than of those who live in nuclear families or who live with their own parents.
On the other hand, there is not a significant difference in the urban group. As for coping with child-rearing stress, the number of nurses finding different solution the problem is larger in the urban group than in the rural.
Regarding direct action, information collection, among the different family structure groups action control, and cognitive coping, we could not observe any difference.
According to the results of this study, the reason why more nurses in local areas suffer from child-rearing stress than nurses in the rural group is suggested to be related with the added stress caused by living with their parents' in-law.
For coping strategies, we got almost the same results in spite of the differences in family structures. This might suggest that the nurses are generally able to cope with stress.