
アクセス数 : 1634
ダウンロード数 : 194
島根医科大学紀要 Volume 25
published_at 2002-12-01

看護職者の育児支援に関する研究:第1報 地方と都市部の看護職者の育児状況

Studies of child-rearing support among nurses : first report : comparison of child-rearing status in rural and urban nurses
Ishikura Takeko
Yamaguchi Masako
m0020025004.pdf ( 4.7 MB )
The purpose of this study was to clarify child-rearing requirements among employed mothers. A self-administered questionnaire survey of child rearing status and family support was conducted among 989 nurses in lzumo City (rural group) and 853 in Osaka prefecture (urban group). The results showed that 525 (610/0) nurses in the rural group and 156 (23010) in the urban group had had experience with child-rearing. The mean number of children was significant]y higher(P<0.001) in the rural group (2.3 children) than in the urban group (1.9 children). Sixty-eight pereent of the urban group lived in nuclear families, sixty percent of the rural group lived with parents-in-law and twenty percent of the rural nurses lived with their own parents. In the rural group the proportion of nurses taking maternity leave increased with the number of children bom, whereas the opposite result was observed in the urban group. With regard to the proportion of husbands assisting with child-rearing support, this
proportion was significantly high (P<0.001) in the urban group, while the support of the parents-in-law and/or parents was significantly high(P<0.001) in the rural group. In both groups the degree of satisfaction with family provided child-rearing support was highest from the husband assisted with the child rearing. This result suggested that wives want their husbands to play a more active role in providing support for ehild-rearing.