島根大学法文学部紀要. 文学科編

.7 巻
1 号
The Standard of Imposition in the Sung Forced Labour System
島居 一康
PP. 1 - 30
The Development of Prosody in Liu-Chao 六朝 Dynasties Literary Theory : Centering around Liu Xie 劉, Zhong Rong 鐘
古川 末喜
PP. 31 - 67
The Method of Kruskal's Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling
猪股 佐登留
PP. (1) - (26)
Conceptual Code of Simple Line Figures
松川 順子
PP. (27) - (50)
The Imperial Cult in Roman Britain
新田 一郎
PP. (51) - (74)
Auxiliaries Expressing Past in "Sanctos no Gosagueo"
PP. (75) - (96)
A Catalogue of Chinese Style Verse and Prose by the Japanese Complied from Local Libraries(I) : (A−KI)
入谷 仙介
PP. (97) - (124)
On the Kirgiz Epos Manas and its Studies by Hu Zhen-hua
胡 振華 西脇 隆夫
PP. (125) - (147)