島根大学法文学部紀要. 文学科編

.7 巻
2 号
Origine of Linguistic Theory before Herder : Centering on Locke's Theory
中村 芳久
PP. 1 - 14
PP. 15 - 36
Christian Themes in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure
住田 幸志
PP. 37 - 52
Mr. Shandy's Frustration
能美 龍雄
PP. 53 - 70
The Play within the Play by Bottom and the Artisans
PP. 71 - 86
PP. 87 - 104
A Study of Hart Crane's VOYAGES I and II
森田 勝治
PP. 105 - 124
Themes in American Literature : American Innocence and Initiation(6)
市川 博彬
PP. 125 - 144
PP. 145 - 162
Baudelaire et Laclos : Sur les passions ou le probleme du mal autour des Liaisons dangereuses
PP. 163 - 179