島根大学法文学部紀要. 文学科編

.6 巻
2 号
Presupposition and Entailment : Toward a Semantic Theory
中村 芳久
PP. 1 - 18
Some Observations on a Special Type of Adverbial Clauses in English : Aspects of 'Conj.+ -ING(-ED)' Constructions and Verbless Clauses
PP. 19 - 42
Graham Greene's The End of the Affair : A Man on the Road to Damascus
PP. 43 - 58
The Fool Feste and His Place in Twelfth Night
PP. 59 - 74
Die von Ruinen her gesehene Vision eines Goldenen Zeitalters : Uber die Zeitstruktur in Stifters 》Witiko《
PP. 103 - 120
PP. 121 - 139