島根大学法文学部紀要. 文学科編

Current Issue
Memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature
.Volume 4
Issue 1
Dhammapada und Amitayus Amitabha
Matsuzuka Toyoshige
PP. 1 - 42
The Opium Issue during the Chia ch'ing Period : with Special Reference to the Opium Prohibitions during the First Half of the Chia ch'ing Period
Inoue Hiromasa
PP. 43 - 68
Research on Repeated Stimulus Exposure Effects
Inomata Satoru Kawai Kyoko
PP. (1) - (38)
A Study of Object Recognition
Matsukawa Junko
PP. (39) - (54)
The Social Change of a Suburban Village and its Village Cult in Okinawa
PP. (55) - (84)
Distribution and Changing Phase of the Folk Ceremonies in Oki-Erabu Island(2) : Mainly on Rituals for Ancestor Worship
Nakamata Hitoshi
PP. (85) - (104)
Index of Vocabulary in Sarumarudayu-Shu
Sota Fumio
PP. (105) - (119)